Welcome to my blogspot!

Online journaling is a challenge and a joy...at the same time. My hope and prayer is that you will gain insight into my way of thinking and my way of life. I am also want to write stuff down so that other's will be encouraged and challengend in their walks of life.
May all that I journal be glorifing to my God and Savior.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life and death on the same day

June 17,2009- Job 1:21b "The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord."
Yesterday, in the morning, we received wonderful news that a friend had just delivered a baby girl.
What joyous occasion to celebrate life!

Yesterday, in the evening, we received sad news that our dear friend passed away.
What a sad thing, but yet joyous... because Victor is now celebrating eternal life!

Here is how we know Victor and Stacy.
was in the hospital about a year and a half ago, Jan 2008, at Mayo. His fiancee(now wife), and her family stayed with us during that time. Our fellowship spent time at mayo getting to know Victor by praying and fellowshipping with them at the hospital Victor and Stacy got married last May. Then 6 weeks ago, he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. On the 5th of June, Victor and Stacy came down and we spent a few hours visiting and praying. It was a beautiful time. The Holy Spirit moved as we prayed. I felt like it was a true old fashion prayer meeting. He went into the hospital on Sunday. Don and I went to go visit on Sunday. When we saw him on Sunday he was already on the BiPap, but he was still awake, alert, and talkative. We laughed and prayed with him. After we left, he continued to deteriorate and ended up on a ventilator. His last words to us were," pray that I can sleep.". I prayed, "May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace" . Victor smiled real big while shaking his head, and said, "Amen, Amen". God is shining upon him now and he is living peace in heaven!

This poem speaks of what Victor had said to us when he shared that,"all he wants is that people see Jesus in him".

September 4, 1998

As I near the "finish line"
in this body
I feel more and more
that I am to glorify him.

Whoever comes to visit me
will know
that I belong to Jesus
for he has redeemed me by
and through the cross.

When Jesus was in the
Garden of Gethsemane
Luke says,
"An angel from heaven
appeared to him
and strengthened him."

God continues to send
his angels
to strengthen me.

Marney Wilson Mathers , from "Walk On" copyright xulon press 2004.

With joy and sorrow I write this post.

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