Welcome to my blogspot!

Online journaling is a challenge and a joy...at the same time. My hope and prayer is that you will gain insight into my way of thinking and my way of life. I am also want to write stuff down so that other's will be encouraged and challengend in their walks of life.
May all that I journal be glorifing to my God and Savior.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blogging, blogger, blogs, blog....

This morning is a great morning for catching up on my reading and reading blogs. I just found some friends blogs and more importantly some blogs from family members. I didn't know they had one and they didn't know that I do as well, especially since mine is very new.

I coold probablly read all day. It is such a new way of life. I recieve a newspaper, yes and actual physical newspaper each Wednesday. I find that it is far more inconvient to read. It takes up alot of space to even open it up, my fingers are covered in ink when I am done reading, it fills up my recycle bin, and half the stuff I don't really care to fill my mind with!

So....on with blogging, blogger, blogs, blog...
facebooking, facebooker, facebook, fb...

1 comment:

  1. Personal note.....work on editing your posts more carefully! :~(
