Welcome to my blogspot!

Online journaling is a challenge and a joy...at the same time. My hope and prayer is that you will gain insight into my way of thinking and my way of life. I am also want to write stuff down so that other's will be encouraged and challengend in their walks of life.
May all that I journal be glorifing to my God and Savior.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Another day....

Today is a day that I have felt like crying all day. I am sure part of it is my age...ya know, peri-menopause. Oh, I hate to use that term. I have felt emotional all day! I have forced myself to "think happy thoughts", I have forced myself to "get up and get going", I have even forced my self to do some housework! Don even offered to go to the store to buy "crab" for dinner! that made me feel worse....crab for a crab for dinner didn't sound too appitizing!
Nothing has seemed to change my mood!
It has to be hormones!
I have nothing to complain about and everything to be thankful for!