Welcome to my blogspot!

Online journaling is a challenge and a joy...at the same time. My hope and prayer is that you will gain insight into my way of thinking and my way of life. I am also want to write stuff down so that other's will be encouraged and challengend in their walks of life.
May all that I journal be glorifing to my God and Savior.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Accceptance always longed for.

"And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may be with you for ever." John 14:16
The Holy Spirit, my Comforter so sweetly spoke to my heart today.
Because of my upbringing, spending years in foster homes or with extended family members, losing my father when I was 7 years old, being physically and sexually abused, and experiencing neglect : "I always felt the deep sense of lack of acceptance."
When I would go to live with a family, I had always hoped to be accepted "as part of the family". But that never happened. When I would do something to upset the family, I was quickly asked to leave. Mind you, none that I did was outrageous-just crying out for attention. But instead of helping , I was discarded. Each time it hurt, as if it was the first time.
What is "acceptance" mean to me?
Acceptance is : an abiding love
                         a sense of belonging
                         an identification
                        not forsaken
                        value placed
                        a welcoming heart
                        a forever kind of love
Acceptance, most definitely is an action that is engulfed with true love.
The Holy Spirit sweetly reminded me this morning that He, the Comforter....MY Comforter has engulfed me with His Acceptance the very day I gave my heart to Him on March 5, 1977. His love is abiding and forever!
What was so transforming for me this morning was this realization of His engulfing love toward me. I lave always longed for a love from my earthly parents that only could come from an eternal God.
I am now 50 years old with the deepness in my heart for that family love.
I saw today that that love and acceptance has been given to me 10 times over.
They are in the form of my most precious grandchildren.
James 1:17 says, "Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father who made the heavenly lights, in whom there is no inconsistency or shifting shadow."
These beautiful grandchildren love their "Oma".
they identify with me as I am their "Oma".
They open their hearts to me.
They want to be around me
This kind of love can only be from my Comforter!
I am eternally grateful and full of His love!
Josiah, Jaelle, Enoch, and Elias(dob-12/29/2011- passed on 5/18/2012) Ivy

                                     Elle and Nora Rypstra with Catharina and Thor Rypstra
                                                         Aurora-Jane and Lucy Rypstra

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