Today is Monday. It seems that Mondays are my day to reflect on the past week and plan for the coming week.
Today I woke up exhausted and feeling like I need a week to just rest and spend time alone in a quiet house! God has other plans!
This is where I tell myself things like;
“God is my strength”,
“In my weakness, He is made strong”,
“The joy of the Lord is my strength”
Here is “some” of what was going on in my life this past week.
Monday-Wednesday we had company from Bemidji, MN. They came to stay with us as one of the them had appointments at Mayo Clinic.
On Tuesday, Don went to the Neurologist for the pain in his neck (which, hopefully, isn’t me!)and down his arm. Then on Wednesday he went in for nerve testing. We will find out today if he needs surgery.
Friday-Saturday Don went and met with a man who was here visiting Mayo Clinic for a condition that the doctors in his hometown, in Illinois, have been unable to diagnose. Then when he got to Mayo he found out that Mayo Clinic would not treat him because his insurance would not cover the cost of the cares. He needed a place to stay until he could fly home.
On Friday, I also found out that my mom is having continued health problems. She is had a biopsy on her uterus and is waiting to find out if it may be cancer. At the same time, she is having problems with her heart and goes this week for a full heart work up.
Then on Friday-Sunday I was responsible for planning and preparing the food for our “Valentine’s Dinner and a Movie”. We planned for 16 couples. It turned out to be a success. I love to do stuff like that, but this time, Don was going to help me out allot, but because of his shoulder injury and the additional company we had, he wasn’t able to. That is why the majority of it fell on my shoulders. I had asked another person to help, but she had stuff come up as well and became unavailable. So I pressed through and enjoyed the cooking and planning. And like I said, it was a successful dinner and everyone had a great time.
On top of all that, I still was responsible all week for watching three of my granddaughters.
I am also in the middle of a “self-imposed” weight loss challenge to lose 10 pounds in the month of February! I wrote my trainer last week asking if she could help me figure out why I have not been able to lose any weight. I think I just figured out why!!! I had been eating well, exercising, and drinking all the water I should. But to no avail.
Oh, I almost forgot…we had two major snow storms in which I had to shovel snow and drive our guest and Don, back and forth to clinic appointments-with dressing and packing up our three toddler grand daughters. Driving in the stuff is stress enough!
Today, we are awaiting information as if we are going to be hosting two other people whom are coming because of Mayo treatment.
WOW…is about all I can say. I really didn’t realize how much has been going on until I have written it down. No wonder I feel like I got run over by a train.
Hopefully this week won’t be as crazy as the last.
I am thankful for the opportunities to serve others. It really does bring me great joy, but some weeks it requires allot from me.
Today’s plan is to clean house, get the guest room ready, play with my grand kids, and get my exercise done!